Our Projects

We work hard everyday to better the lives of The Shade Trust's recipients through our many causes. Learn more about our efforts and how working together can make a lasting impact! Contact us if you’d like more information. 

​You can donate for each project by clicking on the donate now button. 

Winter Kit

The winters in parts of India, especially Kashmir, can be pretty daunting. A winter kit consists of blankets or small heaters

The price for one kit is £18.

Ramadhan Food Kit

In the blessed month of Ramadhan, your support can help us support the needy whilst you gain the maximum amount of reward possible. ​ A Ramadhan Kit costs £35

Maktab Education

Support Maktab education for 6 to 8 children for £30 a month, or £360 annually.


Shade Trust provides goats and cow  to widow families as a part of our livestock support program. 

These goats and cows will not only provide a source of income for these families but will also provide a sustainable source of nutrition through their milk. 

The cost of a cow is £238

The cost of a goat is £76

Grocery store

Support the needy to kickstart their own business with stock for their small grocery store.

The cost of a grocery store is £143

Sewing Machine

We have been supporting a widow to better her lifestyle with a sewing machine. 

Donate to this programme for £120